Compare Granny Flats

Feature Grove
($95,455 inc GST)
($105,487 inc GST)
($121,762 inc GST)
(Price TBD)
Dimensions 7.4m x 3.0m (2.75m) 8.4m x 3.0m (2.75m) 10.4m x 3.0m (2.75m) 4.0m x 3.0m (5.0m x 3.0m)
Size 22.2m² (20.4m²) 25.2m² (23.2m²) 31.2m² (28.6m²) 12.0m² (15.0m²)
Ceiling Height 2.318m - 2.543m
Arrangement 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Kitchen 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Kitchen, Lounge 2 Bed, 1 Bath, Kitchen, Lounge Cabin
Design Fully complies with NZ Building Standards (NZ3604). Built to coastal specifications
Power Connection 16 amp Caravan Plug N/A
Electrical Certification Electrical Warrant of Fitness N/A
Gas Certification Gas Safety Certification N/A
Base H4 timber bearers
Roofing Colorsteel Endura
Cladding Eterpan Cement Sheet (painted to match any Resene colour of your choice)
Insulation Healthy homes compliant including underfloor, walls, and ceiling insulation
Walls/Ceiling Fully Stopped and Painted GIB
Storage 2m high shelving 1 wardrobe, over-bed cupboards 2 wardrobes, over-bed cupboards N/A
Smoke Alarm 10-year battery
Lights LED 4 inside, 1 outside sensor LED 4 inside, 1 outside sensor LED 5 inside, 2 outside sensor LED 4 inside, 1 outside sensor
Power Points 6 double, 2 single 7 double, 1 single 7 double, 2 single 2 double
TV Outlet Yes N/A
Kitchen Melamine soft-close cabinetry with 20mm stone benchtop N/A
Toilet Pinnacle Rimless back-to-wall toilet N/A
Shower 1m x 1m three-sided N/A
Water Heater Rinnai 16 A Series N/A